For full description, click here:


The City of Santa Ana will support creative projects that explore the dynamic relationship between arts & culture and economics. This encourages local artists to engage with the city’s economic and cultural fabric through participatory and interactive works, inviting the community to actively reflect on and contribute to the conversation, specifically how the arts and creative industries impact the city’s economic landscape, cultural identity, and community well-being.

We invite submissions from artists working in various mediums—visual arts, performance, music, creative writing, digital media, and more—who will not only explore the intersection of arts & culture and economics but also design projects that involve direct participation from the residents, businesses, and communities of Santa Ana.

Potential ideas to consider:

- Projects that invite the community to explore how the arts & culture drive the city’s economy. 

- Collaborative works that engage citizens in imagining or influencing the future development of creative spaces in the city.

- Projects that ask the community to contribute stories, images, or artifacts related to Santa Ana’s cultural heritage, focusing on the role this heritage plays in tourism and the local economy.

- Interactive exhibitions or public engagements that highlight how art and culture are valued economically and socially. 

- Projects that invite participation from underrepresented communities to address economic inequities in the cultural sector.


The Arts & Culture Office is seeking to award grants in the amounts of up to $10,000 for individual artists who will enrich and invigorate the Santa Ana arts & culture landscape with Art & Economy: Shaping Santa Ana’s Future Through Collaborative Creative Expression and will be distributed in three (3) payments.

The grant period will be for 12 months and will require an interim and a final report of outcomes achieved, including an itemized budget with documentation such as receipts. This is a REIMBURSEMENT grant. The first payment will be disbursed at the commencement of the project; second payment will be midway through your project; and final payment will be disbursed approximately 60 days after the successful completion of the final report. All grantees are required to maintain financial records to verify compliance. If you are selected for an audit, you must have and submit proof of expenses for review by grants staff upon request.


Individual artists working in the following mediums are welcome to apply:

Visual ∙ Performing ∙ Musical ∙ Literary ∙ Film ∙ Textile ∙ Multimedia ∙ Industrial ∙ Fashion ∙ Culinary

• Artists must be currently living and creating work in Santa Ana or create a work that is for the benefit of Santa Ana residents and/or stimulate economic development for the City of Santa Ana. 

• Project must be completed in Santa Ana, directly serve the Santa Ana residents, and/or stimulate economic development for the City of Santa Ana.

• Applicants must be over the age of 18. 

• Applicant must attend one Information Session.

• Applicants may not apply for consecutive grant cycles for the same project.

• Only one application per project will be accepted. Artists may not apply separately for the same project. 

• Grant recipients who have not completed their projects from prior grant cycles will not be eligible to apply this year. This includes completing their final reports.

• Grant recipients who withdrew from program in the prior year, will be ineligible to reapply for the following two years.

• Applicants engaged in active litigation with the City, have outstanding balances with the City, and/or have active code enforcement violations, or a history of multiple code enforcement violations are not eligible for the program.


• Scholarly research, tuition, or academic expenses.

• Projects held, performed, or exhibited outside of the City of Santa Ana.

• Programs that are not accessible to the public.

• Projects with religious purposes that serve to proselytize. 

• Projects with political purposes that serve as an endorsement to a candidate and/or political party.



• Activating geographical areas in Santa Ana underserved by the arts

• Collaborations/partnerships among different entities across artistic and non-artistic fields


Applicants will be reviewed and scored by a grant peer review panel made up of artists, arts and nonprofit professionals, and others with knowledge and professional qualifications in the arts and with familiarity of Orange County’s arts sector. Grant review panels will reflect the diversity of the region and the various professional groups encompassed by the arts sectors such as practitioners, administrators, board members, and educators. As a public agency, all information submitted to the Arts & Culture Office in conjunction with a grant application becomes public record at the time the application is submitted. Applications will be reviewed and scored by a peer panel according to the following criteria. 


- Review panel may approve an amount that is less than what the applicant requested. It is encouraged that applicant find other funding sources for their project.

- Approval of application does not imply that your dates and locations listed are approved as well. Contact appropriate entity to reserve the location and dates.

- If doing a public art installation or public program, site must be selected prior to submission. Additionally, a letter from the property owner or facility must be included with your application.


Artist applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• Project/Artistic Merit & Theme Relevance – 40%

• Artist Portfolio – 25%

• Potential Community Impact – 25%

• Individual Need – 10%

Criterion 1

A project with exceptional Project/Artistic Merit & Theme Relevance engages qualified and diverse arts or cultural professionals; provides arts experiences that expose participants to new perspectives; provides opportunities for engagement in the creative process; demonstrates cross-sector understanding, both supporting the arts and advancing community priorities; and provide clear examples of how the theme of “Art & Economy” is incorporated into your project.

Criterion 2:

An exceptional Artist Portfolio will include artworks that demonstrate the artist’s technical skills, abilities, and potential and should reflect the artist’s unique art background and experiences. It could include a range of medium and/or genre, or it can focus on the artist’s strengths.

Criterion 3

A project with exceptional Community Impact will be able to make a positive difference for Santa Ana residents, neighborhoods, and communities by creating leverage and visibility for these communities to receive greater resources; elevating the standard of living for those in the community; providing pipelines for arts leadership; and support economic growth in the City.

Criterion 4

Exceptional demonstration of Individual Need must clearly show efforts to find funding outside of the City of Santa Ana’s offerings, as well as displays of being self-sustaining.

Applications are due on the website by WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
For questions please contact Arts & Culture Office at (714) 647-5355 or


For full description, click here: 


Applications are due on the website by WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

For questions please contact Arts & Culture Office at (714) 647-5355 or


The City of Santa Ana will support creative projects that explore the dynamic relationship between arts & culture and economics. This encourages nonprofit arts organizations to engage with the city’s economic and cultural fabric through participatory and interactive works, inviting the community to actively reflect on and contribute to the conversation, specifically how the arts and creative industries impact the city’s economic landscape, cultural identity, and community well-being.

We invite submissions from artists and arts organizations working in various mediums—visual arts, performance, music, creative writing, digital media, and more—who will not only explore the intersection of arts & culture and economics but also design projects that involve direct participation from the residents, businesses, and communities of Santa Ana.

Potential ideas to consider:

- Projects that invite the community to explore how the arts & culture drive the city’s economy. 

- Collaborative works that engage citizens in imagining or influencing the future development of creative spaces in the city.

- Projects that ask the community to contribute stories, images, or artifacts related to Santa Ana’s cultural heritage, focusing on the role this heritage plays in tourism and the local economy.

- Interactive exhibitions or public engagements that highlight how art and culture are valued economically and socially. 

- Projects that invite participation from underrepresented communities to address economic inequities in the cultural sector.


The Arts & Culture Office is seeking to award grants in the amount of up to $20,000 for arts organizations/cooperatives that will enrich and invigorate the Santa Ana arts and culture landscape with Art & Economy: Shaping Santa Ana’s Future Through Collaborative Creative Expression and will be distributed in two (2) payments. 

The grant period will be for 12 months and will require an interim and final report of outcomes achieved, including an itemized budget with documentation such as receipts. This is a REIMBURSEMENT grant. The first payment will be disbursed at the commencement of the project, and the second payment will be disbursed 60 days after the successful completion of the final report. All grantees are required to maintain financial records to verify compliance. If you are selected for an audit, you must have and submit proof of expenses for review by grants staff upon request.


Nonprofit arts and culture organizations/cooperatives that meet the following criteria are welcome to apply: 

• Organizations with arts, culture, design, or creative innovation focus.

• Organization must be based in Santa Ana and/or serve Santa Ana communities.

• Projects can be small in scope and do not need to serve large numbers of people as long as they positively impact the organization’s purpose or mission.

• A project may be a part of an applicant’s regular season or activities. Organizations that undertake a single short-term project in a year—a dance festival, for example—could apply for support for that event or they could identify certain components of their operations, such as securing rehearsal space, marketing activities, paying artists, etc., as their project.

• A representative from the organization must attend one Information Session.

• Applicants may not apply for consecutive grant cycles for the same project.

• Only one application per project will be accepted. Organizations may not apply separately for the same project.

• Grant recipients who have not completed their projects from prior grant cycles will not be eligible to apply this year. This includes completing their final reports.

• Grant recipients who withdrew from program in the prior year, will be ineligible to reapply for the following two years.

• Applicants engaged in active litigation with the City, have outstanding balances with the City, and/or have active code enforcement violations, or a history of multiple code enforcement violations are not eligible for the program.


Organizations/Cooperatives will be required to obtain/demonstrate the following prior to an award:

• Current City of Santa Ana business license or city approval for business operation (for cooperatives).

• Current General Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the City of Santa Ana as Additional Insured on a primary and non-contributory basis.

• Active 501(c)3 nonprofit status and good standing with IRS or registered as an eligible cooperative with the City of Santa Ana.

Cooperatives are defined as:

  • A business entity that is owned and controlled by      the people who work in it. Worker cooperatives thrive in many industries      and regions. 
  • In a worker cooperative, decisions are made      democratically, by the people who do the work (usually following the      principle of "one worker, one vote") instead of by one person or      group people that holds all the power. 
  • Cooperatives are a specific legal definition in      which the workers are defined as members and owners of the cooperative.      These member-owners are entitled to a vote, and to a share of the profits      of the business (called patronage).


· Administrative and operational expenses

· Scholarly research, tuition, or academic expenses.

· Projects held, performed, or exhibited outside of the City of Santa Ana.

· Programs that are not accessible to the public. 

· Funds going directly into trusts, endowments, or cash reserves. 

· Projects with religious purposes that serve to proselytize.

· Projects with political purposes that serve as an endorsement to a candidate and/or political party.



· Activating geographical areas in Santa Ana underserved by the arts

· Collaborations/partnerships among different entities across artistic and non-artistic fields


Organization applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• Project/Artistic Merit & Theme Relevance – 40%

• Organizational Readiness/Fiscal Responsibility – 25% 

• Potential Community Impact – 25% 

• Organization Need – 10%

Criterion 1: 

A project with exceptional Project/Artistic Merit & Theme Relevance engages qualified and diverse arts or cultural professionals; provides arts experiences that expose participants to new perspectives; provides opportunities for engagement in the creative process; demonstrates cross-sector understanding, both supporting the arts and advancing community priorities; and provide clear examples of how the theme of “Participatory/Interactive Art” is incorporated into the project.

Criterion 2

An organization with exceptional Organizational Readiness/Fiscal Responsibility recruits and retains an engaged, diverse, and qualified board, staff, contractors, and/or volunteers and has an accumulated deficit of less than 20% of their total operational expenses for two or more years. Competitive applications will address all application questions and provide complete information.

Criterion 3: 

A project with exceptional Community Impact will be able to make a positive difference for Santa Ana residents, neighborhoods, and communities by creating leverage and visibility for these communities to receive greater resources; enhance the quality of life for those in the community; providing pipelines for arts leadership; enhance visitor’s experience of the City; and support economic growth in the City.

Criterion 4

Exceptional demonstration of Organization Needs must clearly relate to the organization’s mission and purpose and how it serves its constituents; supported with evidence such as statistics, expert views, and trends; and directly connect to, and support, the organization’s ability to respond to the need. Additionally, it must clearly show efforts to find funding outside of the City of Santa Ana’s offerings, as well as displays of being self-sustaining.

City of Santa Ana